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Community Partners

Community Partners 

NHAMS is proud to partner with many organizations across Southeastern Connecticut. It is through these partnerships that we can provide opportunities for our students to experience core concepts, of various disciplines, beyond the walls of our campus.  Some partners join us here at school, while others welcome us to their facilities.  We are stronger together and grateful for these meaningful and lasting relationships.

Our partners in delivering high quality experiences include:

  • Garde Arts Center: Collaborating with us to develop the K-12 arts magnet school pathway, our key partner also contributed to our development year:  Provided tickets for students who had mastered all tests to see vocal group "Take 6".  Recently, the Garde also featured Nathan Hale students when CPTV came to film their schooltime series performance of Theatreworks The Civil War.  
  • Eastern Connecticut Ballet: As a community partner, Eastern Connecticut Ballet provides opportunities for students to attend ECB performances free of charge, including The Nutcracker at The Garde Arts Center.  We also perform for Nathan Hale students in the Young Person’s Concert with the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra.  ECB’s interactive Nutcracker assemblies are taught at Nathan Hale by ECB professionals in preparation for the children’s visit to The Garde Arts Center.  Talented students are identified by ECB faculty through an audition/selection process and are awarded scholarships to study at Eastern Connecticut Ballet full-time. Currently there are 10 Nathan Hale students enrolled at ECB.
  • Mystic Arts Center: Through a grant from the Palmer fund, Mystic Arts Center planned and implemented our school's first full arts integration project, Book City.  Three teaching artists worked with 4th grade students to create "communities" inspired by literature.
  • Expressiones Cultural Center: Teaching Artists-in-Residence from Latin American countries partner with Nathan Hale teachers for their 6-week visit to the U.S.  Artists from different countries and varying media partner with different grades in the school all year long.
  • Mystic Seaport: Named Nathan Hale Arts Magnet School its Partner School for the "Year of the Morgan."  Mystic Seaport staff assisted in the planning of different units within the schoolwide theme.  In addition, funding was provided for 5th grade students to visit Mystic Seaport and be visited by teaching artist-musicians.  
  • Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra:  Provided opportunities for students to both attend an assembly at the school and attend a full performance, Young People's Concert by ECSO at the Garde Arts Center.
  • Florence Griswold Museum: Offered free tickets for students to attend the Wee Faerie Village each fall semester. This initial field trip launched and inspired the 4th grade arts integration project (the first ever at our new Arts Magnet School) with the Mystic Arts Center.
  • Children's Museum of Southeastern Connecticut: Brought a STARLAB to the school so that all 5th grade students could experience the planetarium in our school.  Also provided a field trip for 4th grade students that focused on lighthouses and electricity and tied into their integration project on communities.
  • Flock Theatre: Master Teaching Artist Derron Wood provided expertise in school and arts integration development through his 20 years of experience through Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Schools.
  • Lyman Allyn Museum: Funded several field trips to their Whaling exhibit as part of our "Year of the Morgan" theme.  Yearly, the Lyman Allyn houses the NHAMS Exhibition for all visitors to the museum to experience. 
  • New Haven Symphony Orchestra: The entire orchestra came to Nathan Hale Arts Magnet School and put on 2 concerts for grades 1-4 that integrated with literacy ("The Remarkable Farkle McBride" and "Peter & the Wolf.") We also have family nights when community members can enjoy an evening of music here on campus.
  • United States Coast Guard Band: Students have had the opportunity to both go to the Coast Guard Academy for concerts of the entire Band and receive in-school assemblies for sections of the Band.  
  • Niantic Children's Museum: 
  • CT Transit Authority: The CT Transit Authority will be visiting NHAMS in April to do presentations to our students on transportation technology.  The students will also be invited on a field trip to take a train ride on the metro north train system.